Saturday, January 26, 2008

My Linda Lou

This blog is totally dedicated to my best friend Linda Lou. I am her Becky Lou. Sounds silly, I know but it works for us! I have known Linda since I was about 13 or 14 years old. She is older than me and helped out with our Youth Group Drama Team. She would have sleepovers for the girls and she was totally awesome! I mean, she was cooooool! She was an adult yet she had fun with us like she was one of us. We have been inseperable every since. Even though 5 years ago I moved away from her, everytime we talk or see eachother it is like I never left. She has been my scrapbooking inspiration sooooo many times! She is the one that got me into it. My husband probably wishes she didn't! We are designing my scrapbook table for the new office right now :):) Without her on my wedding day, it wouldn't have been THE BEST DAY OF MY ENTIRE LIFE! She co-cordinated it with another good friend, Sheila, and the did an awesome job! There were a few things that went wrong but I never knew about them until we got back from our honeymoon! Anyways, I could go on and on and on and on.......but I don't have that kind of time! I think the thing that inspires me the most about my Linda Lou is her stregth in the face of adversity. She has had sooooooo many hard things happen in her life in just the past year but somehow she finds the strength to carry on. Actually I know how she does it. I can picture her holding the hand of Jesus as he walks her through the trials. Another thing that I totally love about her is that I can always call her and be genuinly me. I can just be myself and she is ok with it. That is a big thing for me right now. Anyway, I love her very much and don't know what I would do without her! I love you and miss you Linda Lou! :)

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