Monday, October 20, 2008

Finally! We got to visit home!

The boys and I took a cross state trip this last week to the Coast! It had been over 2 years since I had been there and Sam had not gotten to experience sand ever! So, through some major convincing of my husband and a wonderful friend who let us stay with them, we got to go. Norman did not get to come and it would have been more fun with him, but we still had fun!

Well, I was going to post some pictures but I am having some difficulties doing that! The weather was typical October weather for the coast but we ventured out to the beach anyways. Sam loved it. He was going 150 miles per hour the whole time! I'm sure he was wondering why I had never brought him to this big huge playground before! Levi found a whole sand dollar, very cool! I don't think I have ever found a whole perfect one before! Benjamin was so funny! He was in shorts but that did not stop him from venturing into the water! And then I couldn't keep him out! The looks on their faces the first time the waves came in farther than before was so funny! I think they were in shock! So I yelled "Run! Run!" and all three of them started running back in. Then it was a game. Sam was so cute! He ran from those waves as if his life depended on it! All in all we had a great trip. We stayed with a friend that I had lost contact with and it was fun getting to know her family. I don't think she will ever get rid of us now! So it was too cold so I did not get to feel the sand between my toes but I did get to let the salt air blow on my face and I had an awesome time watching my boys enjoy the beach, my home. No matter how long I am away, it will always be my home. Funny how the ocean does that to you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wow! 5 already!

My son Benjamin just turned 5 last month! I can't believe it! It feels like we just brought him home to the hospital. Well, he got a lot of cool toys but best of all he got an awesome birthday cake. I do have to admit that I was the best mommy in the whole world for making this cake for him. It did turn out cool!! Happy Birthday Benjamin! I love you little buddy!