My scrapbooking table...obviously I don't spend much time here!
I bought these slip ons for Norman but I think I use them more! They are great for slipping on to go outside and feed the animals or get food out of the freezer, love them!
AHHHHH, my morning tea and cup....can't start the day without them!
I would not be sane without these magical little tablets!
The next three pics hang in my bedroom. We got the pics as a gift from a friend for our wedding. The clock I found at Ross a couple of years ago. I love Ross!

I got this photo collage frame at Costco recently! It holds 16 4x6 pictures, how easy is that?
I can see this wall when I sit on my couch...I can sit there and look at these pictures forever. Ok, I know Sam's baby pic is missing so it's kinda off center but the frame that it was in broke so we have the pic somewhere, I just can't find it to put in the new frame! The story of my life! Not being able to find things!

Oh my goodness, my favorite appliances! Electric tea kettle is used everymorning to heat up water for my tea, and my new favorite thing...smoothie maker! I love this thing! Now instead of reaching for candy or sweets when I want something sweet, I make smoothies! I make them everyday right now! Love it!
This goes without saying, it should have been first on my list! I loooooove my camera and I looooove taking pics. But if you know me, you know that already!
We got this clock for our wedding and it's kind of funny why it is one of my favorite things. I love the look on people's faces the first time they hear this go off at the hour and they are trying to figure out what is making the chiming noise. Hilarious!
Fridge art by Levi Soyster. One of my favorite things from my little artist.
Ok, my wedding band and engagement ring. Love them....still. After 8 years....amazing, huh?

Oh my goodness, my favorite appliances! Electric tea kettle is used everymorning to heat up water for my tea, and my new favorite thing...smoothie maker! I love this thing! Now instead of reaching for candy or sweets when I want something sweet, I make smoothies! I make them everyday right now! Love it!

I stole this idea from Christie. I needed something fun and out of the ordinary to do this morning and when I was looking at blogs I remembered this idea from Christie. Enjoy! These are a few of my favorite things around the house. Ok, more than just a few here but I can't do anything in moderation! How can I not include all of these? Ok, a few things that I didn't add pics of. God is one of my favorite could I put up a pic of God when I can't see Him? My Bible is one of my favorite things...just forgot and I'm almost done so I'm not going to go back and take a pic. And my family...lots of pics of them interspersed(spelling) so I didn't add individuals of them. Thanks for checking out my rambling. Maybe you know a little more about me now!
Becky! So much fun seeing these special things from your life! I stole the idea from Ali Edward's Blog so that means its not really stolen, right? Just borrowed :) haha!
Yes! I like borrowed a lot better! Did you like those dirty old shoes? I told myself not to put those on here but then I wouldn't be being honest! I really love those things! Oh, your garage sale them!
What a fun idea. ; ) I love stash chai spice tea too.
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