Friday, February 29, 2008


When my sister came and picked up Noelle last weekend she got to stay from Friday until Sunday, yeah! I love it when she comes and visits. We watch girly movies and cook yummy food and eat stuff that's not so good for us! I love it! She is so much fun! It's great too because we don't always have to have an agenda, we can just be. She took me out to practice driving her car. It is a stick shift. I have always had a problem with going. Everything else is okay but the getting going. Well, I can do it now! She didn't yell at me when I messed up, either, which was definately a plus! We also went out and.........dundundun.......yes, took pictures! What else would I be doing when I have lovely people to practice on? I posted them at the bottom of the page....well, just a few actually. We have lots more and they are almost all good!

Note for Jamie: I love you and can't wait for you to come back and visit!


jamie said...

i love you too and can't wait to come back over, you should have told them about us laughing the whole time you were driving and how you got stuck in the intercection and the guy was watching us the whole time until you got going again!!!!!!

Michelle Morales Photography said...

What a beautiful post! That's so wonderful to be so close to your sis!