Every Tuesday at 12:00pm several people in our community meet at The Senior Center for lunch. No, you don't have to be a senior to attend. So my family usually takes advantage of this time to visit with the community and get to know people. Also, it is one day of the week that I don't have to cook lunch! Yeah!
So, a couple of months ago my husband stayed after lunch and played a domino's game called Mexican Train. He came home telling me that he wanted to buy some domino's so he can teach me how to play! He had a great time playing this with the Senior's in our community! So, we did! and Norman and I played several times over the next few weeks.
So, today being Tuesday, we went to the Senior Center for lunch and Norman says to me "you can stay afterwards and play Mexican Train if you want. I will take the boys home." Here is my delima. Come out of my shell and play this game with people I only know a little bit and get some time out of the house without the boys.....OR.......go home, fold laundry, take care of the kids, and not have any time out to myself. Not a hard one to figure out, right?
Yes, I stayed and played Mexican Train with some folk's from the Senior Center and I had a BLAST! They whipped my rear!! These people were really good! I had to stay on my toes at all times. The tried to distract me with popcorn and chocolate but I stayed strong! (Ok, I ate 2 peices of chocolate and a cup full of popcorn:) I didn't come in last, though. I came in 5th out of six player. Not bad for my first time with professionals!
So, if you are ever tempted to take on Seniors at Mexican Train here is my warning.....Be sure to practice a lot beforehand!!!! They are good!