I've sat so many times and stared at this blank screen in the last couple months. There is so much to say but I don't know how to say it. I'm not sure what I'm feeling lately. On the outside everything looks the same. My boys are growing and doing great in school. I continue with the everyday stuff. Cooking, cleaning, taking care of my family. But something inside me aches and wants more of something. I cry pretty easily right now...and those of you who know me know that I'm not a crier.(no, I'm not pregnant and won't ever be again) I feel like change is in the air and if it doesn't happen soon, I might just burst in the waiting of finding out what it is! I know that this is a bunch of babble but thought you might enjoy hearing where I am right now instead of hearing nothing from me! Maybe the visits from friends that are going to happen this month will pull me out of this funk! I love you guys and enjoy hearing from you.....even if you don't hear from me that often!