Monday, June 22, 2009

The perfect Father's Day for Mom??

Yesterday was a GREAT day! The only thing I regret was that I didn't have my camera with me, at all! would have been great! We started out the day with a fun Father's day service. Norman actually rode a quad into the church!!! We had a great time of worship after a short sermonette. The worship was our Father's Day gift to God. Then we had a yummy Father's Day BBQ. All the foods that the guys lots of desserts. Man was it good!. After that we came home and I got to nap while Norman spent a couple hours on the phone talking to family...literally!! HE was suppose to be getting the nap but I couldn't help myself! Okay, then we loaded up the kids and their bike helmets and went to a friends ranch. I had never driven a 4 wheeler before so Norman gave me a quick lesson on a 6X6 and I set off by myself. Norman loaded all the boys onto his 4 wheeler and took them for a ride while I got use to the 6X6 and had a little fun. Then because the 6X6 has a better holding area for the boys to ride, I took the boys and let Norman have a little fun! It was a blast! We took a little road up to the top of the hill and had an amazing view in all directions. It was amazing! I just wish I had my CAMERA!! Then we loaded back up and went down to the ranch where we got to practice shooting the 22 and 20 gage for a little while. Lots of fun. (I know, I am such a tomboy! But I live while 4 boys! If you can't beat them, join them..right?) Then we were invited to stay for bbq dinner. Authentic Mexican style. I hope that was politically correct. The friend cooking is from Mexico and he made some yummy food for us! So not only was it a perfect Father's Day for was a perfect Father's Day for Mom, too! I think I had more fun than I did on Mother's day!! SHHHHH Don't tell! :):):)

Friday, June 19, 2009

My life lately......

has been horribly busy. Guarenteed to get even busier as the summer passes us by. Thankfully we have some fun family things planned! My sister Kim just came for a visit on Friday and left this evening. That was fun!! I love having company! We even had a photo shoot. It was raining off and on all day so we set up our little studio in my living room. I kinda like the soft lighting it gave to the pictures when I left my flash off. Anyways we had bunches of fun and I got to have some girl time. Sometimes I feel like all I talk about on here is getting girl time. But you have to remember that I live with 4 boys so girly time is important to me!!

But first, these pictures I'm posting are from our recent trecks down Waterman Rd. You never know what you are going to encounter in that 25 mile stretch down Waterman Rd.!! :):)

The rest of the pictures are from our photo shoot today. I hope you all enjoy.....especially you Sarah!! This is what has been going on in my life:)

Lookin' for wildlife on Waterman Rd.
Ummmm....everything seems so far away!

Buffalo....yes, buffalo on waterman Rd.

More buffalo. Doesn't that look like a tractor operating in the field?? It's the buffalo trying to get the fleas off!! No joke!

And we see elk.....

And we see antelope.......

And more elk jumping the fence...we scared it!

And more buffalo closer up.....

And we also get to see cool!

Okay.....these next pictures are from our photo shoot today. These are the MOST recent pictures available of my family. Norman wasn't home so he's not in here. lol!

Sammy Sammers

Three goofy amigos

The three stooges

My baby

Such a cute guy!

My Levi

We'll be beatin' the girls off, I'm sure!

Benny Benners, getting so big and handsome!

Awesome guy!

These guys obviously didn't want to get their picture taken with MOM!! Are we teenagers yet?


Me again.....




Kim and Ami

Kim and Ami again

My big sissy, Kim