The Santiam River

Sunset at Nye Beach

Ok, so they say Home is where the heart is and mine is definately where ever my husband is. Right now that is here in Monument. But my heart also longs for the ocean where I grew up and I HAVE to visit at least once a year to keep me happy. Well, this year I got to visit for my birthday and I got to go with no kiddos so I could have "me" time. What is that?, right?? Well, I got to experience 6 glorious days of it! I had so much fun! I got to take loads of pictures and visit lots of friends, it was a blast. I also got french tips on my nails for the first time. I love how they look but not sure how practical it is to keep them. We will see....A big thanks to Traci for letting me crash at her home for a few days and to Sarah for coming down and having a great day with me! I love you guys!!