Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Randomness of 2008

Big blue eyes, Sammy

Silly Levi, always making silly faces for the camera

This is one of my favorite pics of Sam

Another one of my fav's of Sam

Noelle being "crafty" at vbs

Noelle playing games at vbs

The boys piled on Norman

My two cowboy amigos

Be afraid......

My handsome boy

Levi playing at vbs

Don't ask......

Awesome moon pic

Sam's first taste of lime and my awesome Benny Benners

Benjamin being crafty at vbs
Be very afraid

Noelle and Ben's favorite part of vbs....the dancing

My handsome Superman and Bob the Builder gone bad!

Levi the Super Hero, give me a break

the winters are long here!

Super Hero Sam

Sam hugs

Wow, can you imagine that this is only a few of the pics I had to choose from? This year has been crazy. This summer has been crazy! But God is good and faithful. Jehovah Jirah, our Provider actually means that God looks ahead of time to prepare for our needs, even before they happen. God has been so good to us this year. I can't believe how many times we can't explain how we made it through the month on paper but yet again, God provided. Amazing! Our life is so exciting! Our God is so exciting! Anyways, I can go on and on. Lots of fun stuff planned for the rest of the summer and hopefully I will be better at getting pictures posted. I hope you enjoyed the pics!

Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm walkin' on Sunshine!

Literally! It has been so sunny here I am almost begging for a little rain storm! How I wish I was walking on Agate Beach with no shoes on, the sand squishing in between my toes and the wind blowing ocean mist on my face. Hmmm, must be time for a visit home! Anyways, It has been so busy here. Since my last post I have started an excercise program, Organized and pulled off a 4 day VBS (with a huge amount of help from a lot of people, I would not have been able to do it alone), taken several trips to Bend, had my niece here visiting for a week and a half, and had an all church picnic. And oh, so much more! I can't believe how busy this summer has been. We haven't even been camping yet! Hopefully, we will get to do that in a couple of weeks. I just thought I would update everyone, if I get adventurous I will post some pictures soon. It just kinda stinks because I have to make all my pictures smaller before posting them. Oh well, you guys are worth it!