Friday, February 29, 2008


When my sister came and picked up Noelle last weekend she got to stay from Friday until Sunday, yeah! I love it when she comes and visits. We watch girly movies and cook yummy food and eat stuff that's not so good for us! I love it! She is so much fun! It's great too because we don't always have to have an agenda, we can just be. She took me out to practice driving her car. It is a stick shift. I have always had a problem with going. Everything else is okay but the getting going. Well, I can do it now! She didn't yell at me when I messed up, either, which was definately a plus! We also went out and.........dundundun.......yes, took pictures! What else would I be doing when I have lovely people to practice on? I posted them at the bottom of the page....well, just a few actually. We have lots more and they are almost all good!

Note for Jamie: I love you and can't wait for you to come back and visit!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A day in the life of..........ME!

This is in response to Christie's blog. I do have to admit, I have a few extra items on my list today. I needed to get ready for a trip to Bend tomorrow morning and I will be having Ladies Bible Study tomorrow night so I did 2 days worth of house cleaning today. Tomorrow morning is going to be here before I know it so I need to hurry up and get to bed. Anyways this is a list of everything I did today. I amazed myself!

4:30 am-Sam is crying, ear ache I think. I got up, changed his diaper, gave him Tylenol and sat in a recliner with him and blanky.

5:00am- Sam finally fell asleep. I dozed off and on for the next 2 hours

7:30am- Everyone else wakes up-I'm not ready but here goes the day.

Lay on the couch while everyone else eats breakfast.
Get a cup of tea and listen to Norman explain the sermon on Sunday-I didn't get to hear it because I was with the kids.
Change Sam's poopy diaper.
Give Sam more Tylenol.
Put Sam in highchair with a Biter Biscuit.
Clean up kitchen.
Do a load of laundry.
Put sam down for a nap-he was being very cranky.
Sat down and organized tomorrows trip to town and what I needed to complete today.
Got in the shower-11:30am!!! I hear ya Christie!!
Made Levi and Ben lunch.
Ate my own lunch.
Went online-checked email, myspace and blogs.
decided on what soup to make for church tonight.
Found Thomas track for the boys.
Readied Bible Study for tomorrow.
Made reminder calls for Bible Study.
Home schooled the boys.
Another load of laundry-I will have to fold all this at some point!
Talked to sister on phone.
Got Sam up from nap.
Fed Sam lunch.
Dressed Sam.
Went to the store.
Fed chickens, duck and cats-sorry it was so late guys!
Swept kitchen floor.
Gave boys wet washclothes to "mop" the kitchen floor for me. One of my shortcuts when I am short on time.
Sat down and enjoyed a big glass of Dr. Pepper.....Hey! I deserve it! Have you seen all I've done today? And it's not over yet!
Folded clothes:):) See, told ya!
Set out boys' clothes for morning.
Put folded clothes away.
Big headache coming-3 Tylenol with a big glass of water.
Did a load of dishes.
Another load of laundry.
Made dinner for church....mmmmm shepard's pie.
Sat down with Sam for a few minutes.
Changed Sam's diaper.
Got Sam ready for church.
Got me ready for church.
Got everybody loaded up and went to Wednesday Night Bible Study.
Now I am home, typing this up and then going to bed. My day will start at 4:00am tomorrow. Not looking forward to that!

Thanks Christie, this was fun!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Noelle Violet Grace

Aunt Becky's little diva!
So I realized something tonight. Even though I check my friend's blogspots daily, I have not been keeping up on my blogging. I am sooo bad! So, I am going to try and get better! Life has been so hectic lately. Sometimes I need to remind myself to stop and breathe! I am really excited because my sister brought my niece over and she gets to stay here for a week. I know, big deal, right? Well, I am the only girl in a house with four boys! I get to be girly with my niece, Noelle, for a whole week! I get to do her hair, dress her in PINK, listen to her little girl giggle, take pictures of her, and live life as if she never moved away. I think this is going to be the best week that I have had in a long time. Granted, I love my boys. They are so much fun! But every so often I need my girly Noelle fix! I love you Noelle Violet Grace Reed!